How to get songs from your iPod to a spirit Bugling thing to do at all. It 's easy, but it is confusing. Do not lose your temper and give up. Try the tutorial, I explain in this article. If you have a friend who has an Internet iPod, then the problem could be solved easily, but if you find it, is difficult. I found a lot of wasted time on the internet the answer to this so I decided to write an article on 'how to put songs in order to> iPod and make it easier to find people to question, the answer to this.

How to organize your songs on your iPod

As songs on the iPod in alphabetical order

The first and most familiar method.

Organize your playlist. Songs played the way you put it into the play list.

You can easily set your iPod to your playlist. To achieve this, the Windows Search to manage and sync the iPod, pick the play-list, the transfer ofiPod.

It works very well with my iPod, but I'm not sure why it did not work for some people.

If it does not work with you, try this: -

How to organize your songs on your iPod

Second method. Try this only if the first method does not work.

First, you need to write the album name, artist name, genre and the songs and put all spelled correctly. If you have not done for all of your songs so far, I suggest you do so now. And be carefulfrom now on.

After you do this, you have the tab on the top hit on the list by gender, single or album list.

There is something called the track number.

You must ensure that all the songs have the same tracking number.

Then put on your iPod. E 'in alphabetical order are being made.

If the method does not work either, you should try contacting Apple and asking for their help. Good luck.